How to Clean Your Business for a Great New Year

There’s something magical about the start of a new year. We often feel like we can achieve anything we put our minds too. That’s why we make big plans and look forward to making the year even better than last year. That’s precisely why January is the perfect time to say ‘out with the old’ or more specifically clean up the old and throw it out.Get your business and your employees started on the right foot this year with a clean business. After all, a clean work space promotes productivity for success.Archive old papers. Clean up that mess of papers sitting on your desk or scattered throughout your business. Then clean your newly free space, since it hasn’t seen the sunlight in a while it probably needs a good cleaning.Move everything to clean underneath. By moving every stationary object in your office to clean underneath you’ll be getting all the dust and dirt that’s accumulated throughout the year. Plus you can use this time to rearrange your furniture and re-organize for a fresh new office for the year ahead.Pay attention to the floors. Whether you’ve experienced inclimate winter weather yet or not, you’ll need to spend extra time cleaning your floors. As the floor is the catch all for dirt it’s the perfect place to deep clean and start your new year off right.Clean up the decorations. You probably got out all the old holiday decorations to celebrate. But now the holidays are over and it’s time to put them away. It’s also the perfect opportunity to give those areas a deep clean. When else are those spaces completely empty?Disinfect your gadgets. All of the technical gadgets in your office often get overlooked and accumulate a mass of germs. Start 2015 right by disinfecting those gadgets and setting your employees up for a healthy and productive year.Finally, the start of a new year is the ideal time to create a cleaning schedule. Now that you’ve started fresh with a clean business you can formulate a plan to keep it clean. At OpenWorks we can help you meet those needs with a customized plan that will not only keep your business clean but improve the health of your business throughout the year. Talk about starting off on the right foot!