10 Secrets to Building a Successful Commercial Cleaning Business

commercial cleaning business

With the start of a new year underway, it's time to make some of your goals a reality. If you've been talking about becoming a business owner, a commercial cleaning business backed by the best might be just the opportunity you've been looking for.But to do well in the commercial cleaning industry, there are certain things to learn and practice.Let's take a look at 8 practices you can incorporate in order to succeed as a commercial cleaning franchise owner:

1. To Have a Successful Commercial Cleaning Business It's Good to Have a Mentor

If you want to start a commercial cleaning business, one of the best things you can do to help yourself get off on the right foot is to seek the advice of those who are already in the commercial cleaning business themselves. This might include other cleaning company franchise owners or general business owners who focus on customer service.If you can connect with other cleaning company owners, preferably those who aren't going to be direct competition to your own ventures, you can ask them to share their top "do's" and "don'ts". Someone who has already succeeded where you hope to follow can offer encouragement, warnings, time management suggestions, and useful tips to help push you forward toward your goals.

2. Know Your Market

Before you can really push forward, you should have a good idea of your target market. Are you looking to clean for mostly schools or healthcare facilities? Will you specialize in cleaning office buildings?Once you've identified your target market, you'll be able to develop a business plan around their expectations and needs.

3. Expect to Wear All the Hats for Awhile

Getting a new business off the ground takes a lot of work and a lot of determination. As the owner, it's on you to propel your business forward, especially in the first couple of years.This means that you can expect to really immerse yourself in every aspect of the business from taking and making calls, dealing with customer service issues, and even getting in and getting the cleaning done yourself.Doing these things will teach you valuable lessons about the type of people you need to hire, and what work is like from their perspective. Your company will be stronger moving forward with a leader that knows the business from every angle.

4. Revisit the Basics Often

As you move forward growing your commercial cleaning business, don't lose sight of the basics. This means continuing to treat each of your employees as a valuable member of the team, responding quickly to customer inquiries and issues, and owning up to mistakes along the way.Customers appreciate efficiency and a good deal, but they are especially loyal to companies that make them feel heard, seen, and appreciated.Your team members are going to be instrumental to your success as a business so treat them as such. If talented, hardworking people are working for you in spite of you and not because of you, they won't stick around for long.

5. Practice Good Leadership

A successful commercial cleaning business thrives under the direction of a competent leader. Know how to delegate tasks to responsible team members. Be approachable. Lead by example. Stay until the job is done right. Expect accountability from your staff.If you can find a mentor or other managers and business owners to network with, they can help teach you the ropes. Consider the kind of traits that you admire and respect in leaders and then strive to be the same way.

6. Put Yourself in Your Customers' Place

Whenever possible, put yourself in your customers' shoes. Would you be happy with the service you received? Have your expectations been met? Are the services worth the price paid? Were you treated well by staff and management?Being able to see things from your customers' perspective and making the necessary adjustments will ensure that you keep those customers.

7. Never Stop Learning

Even when you get to the point where you've been in the cleaning business for a long time, it's crucial that you never stop learning new skills and techniques. New products come out all the time. New machinery makes it easier to do a job quickly.New organizational skills can cut down on your cleaning time while remaining effective. There are always new ways to improve both in how you perform as a cleaning company and how you train your employees.Take advantage of new training seminars on running a business, managing a team, and marketing to customers. This will help you stay on top of your game as a business owner.

8. Clean a Place as Though it Were Your Own

Train your employees to clean every property as if it were there own. Remind them of how their efforts improve the lives of the customers they serve.The best cleaners will take pride in their cleaning and recognize that each and every job deserves their best. It's never a bad idea to seek out employees who really enjoy organization and cleanliness and pride themselves on keeping things clean.

Learn More

Learn more about what it takes to run a successful commercial cleaning business and how to start your own franchise, and why OpenWorks was designed to help YOU succeed.Founded more than 35 years ago, we have decades of experience assisting hopeful business owners on their own journey toward a profitable business. We want to do the same for you.Contact us to ask about our franchise opportunities or to request additional information.

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