From Employee to Owner at OpenWorks

From Employee to Owner
At some point or another, whether you’ve been in your current job for a short or long time, you’ve probably thought about starting a business. Why not? We’ve all dreamed of a more fulfilling career. But more than likely you’re waiting for that perfect moment to take the leap.For Frank Gill, it was an engagement that made him decide the time was right. At the time he was living in Mesa, Arizona. He might have been born and raised in San Diego but Mesa had been his home since his parents relocated his family when he was 17. There he became a warehouse manager for Anheuser-Busch.It was as a warehouse manager that he met his future wife. She was a current employee for OpenWorks and his warehouse was a client of hers. But it wasn’t until they got engaged that Frank started thinking more seriously about becoming his own boss. His then fiancee told him to look into OpenWorks, her now ex-employer, because of her contacts and great experience working with them in the past.After a meeting with his fiancee’s old boss, Frank was hooked. He loved the idea, the low-cost of entry, and all the great reviews from other franchisees. So him and his new wife took his retirement and made the leap for a big career change. It worked! After starting the business in July of last year, he has already grown to six locations. His clients constantly give him positive feedback and the support from corporate has allowed him to grow quickly.So what is his advice for prospective franchisees of OpenWorks?Do it. It’s a great opportunity. If you’re looking to get into a career on your own, then you should do it without hesitation. You don’t have to know anything about the cleaning business, because they will teach you. In fact, they teach you how to run a business, they teach you how to clean, and they provide online classes. Overall, OpenWorks provides a lot of support, so you’re in safe hands. Even to this day, they have answers for all of my questions. If you want to step out and be your own boss, then this is an excellent adventure.